Transformational Times

Surrender to the Dreaming

conscious dreaming Nov 04, 2023

So much has already happened. Yet so much more change is coming.

We're in the midst of a transformational marathon. Whew! Things often seem upside down, the ground beneath our feet suspiciously shifty. When very little around us makes sense, it can be really hard to find clarity, and even harder to know what to do next. The discomfort of this turbulent time can make us feel lethargic, anxious, overwhelmed. And our various distractions can become more tempting than ever.

But in...

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Attaining Grace

personal evolution Oct 01, 2023

This is a month to…see the beauty around you, whether in the harmony of your environment, your creativity, or your relationships. As one attains the grace of accepting the beauty that is offered in all parts of life, then that is reflected back to you in the beauty of your manifestations.   Zora ~ A Soul Collective

We've entered a time of accelerated personal evolution. Our heightened sensibilities are awakening, both individually and as a collective. As we move boldly...

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Embracing Inner Perfection

self-acceptance Aug 24, 2023

This is a month to…find the beauty around you within your own self, honouring your own inner perfection and allowing that to create for yourself the support that you need to truly embody that truth. Find your own perfection, for that is your own self-love and acceptance.   Zora ~ A Soul Collective

Perfectionism. It often shows up for smart, out-of-the box thinkers because it gets baked into our coping mechanisms. Consistently comparing our worst to others’ best and...

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The Tapping Sequence

tapping Aug 24, 2023

Tap-in Self-Acceptance
We like to make our Acceptance Statements even more potent by literally ‘tapping’ positive frequencies into the body.

Tapping, also known as EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), is a powerful stress relief technique that combines principles of ancient Chinese acupressure and modern energy psychology. It activates the Meridians, or energy pathways, that move through your body. Tapping on specific Meridian points sends a calming signal to the amygdala in the...

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