This is a month to…find the beauty around you within your own self, honouring your own inner perfection and allowing that to create for yourself the support that you need to truly embody that truth. Find your own perfection, for that is your own self-love and acceptance. Zora ~ A Soul Collective
Perfectionism. It often shows up for smart, out-of-the box thinkers because it gets baked into our coping mechanisms. Consistently comparing our worst to others’ best and having (sometimes impossibly) high expectations for our own performance was often how we found a sense of belonging in the world. It can look like…
This month’s transformational focus is on softening those hard edges of self-criticism that often accompany our perfectionist, and instead calling upon our inner caretaker to welcome-in, nurture and more fully receive all aspects of our diverse, innately beautiful way of being in the world.
Acceptance Statement
Use the phrases below to craft your own Acceptance Statement, then “tap it in” with this Tapping Sequence.
Even though I sometimes ___________________________, I completely love and accept myself.
~ judge myself harshly; wallow in self-pity; ignore my own needs; over-focus on others’ concerns; work too hard; act the rescuer; can be controlling; over analyze everything; nit-pick; take on too much; under-value my talents
Feeling other unskilled behaviours might fit here too? Use your imagination to find self-acceptance in every arena of your life.
In our August Circle, Dr. Lesley Phillips pulled back the curtain on the inherent interconnection between our Chakras and our intuition, and named the 7 common blocks to realizing those abilities. Most of us recognized the Analyzer within — that tendency to over-think everything and consequently get in the way of our own subtle knowing. But the other 6 blocks were easy to spot in ourselves as well:
1. Getting hopelessly distracted by our busy life
2. The ever present noisy Monkey Mind
3. Emotional Overwhelm, especially for highly sensitive people
4. Our tendency to judge ourselves harshly
5. Trying way too hard to ‘make it happen’
6. Feeling afraid — of our own power or others’ rejection of us
We appreciated Dr. Lesley’s coaching on how to quickly and easily get centred, stay grounded, and intentionally call upon the appropriate antidotes for those blocks. Sample her coaching here.
The Analyzer can focus on clearing doubt, while the distracted person can choose a simple, supportive daily practice. Engaging in that practice helps quiet the Monkey Mind and bring calm when feeling overwhelmed. Reminders to consciously release effort and let go of judgement also help reduce fear and invite the grounded, centred state we desire.
Regularly remind yourself of your innate beauty. Intentionally find acceptance for some of your unskilled behaviours. Practice releasing even a single block to your intuition a few times this month. And you may be surprised by how much richer your daily experiences feel for you.
Always holding space for your unique shining,
Sasha & Valanne
A powerful combination of Soul-based Astrology & Energy Rebalancing designed to support your blossoming in alignment with your soul's design. Find crystal clarity. Navigate next steps with confidence. Expand into joy. Live life in alignment with the part of you that always knows. Get details on sessions here.
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