Turning Ordinary Moments into Sacred Intentions
As we navigate 2025—a year marked by fast-moving frequencies and turbulent change—it’s easy to feel untethered, swept up in the chaos of a shifting world. But what if these moments of upheaval could be used as opportunities for grace? Intention-setting offers us a way to anchor ourselves, not by adding more to our plates, but by infusing presence and purpose into what we’re already doing. The beauty of this practice is...
Ten Trends for 2025
This year is going to be alot.
Even for those of us used to navigating deep personal transformation, 2025 promises to be fast, furious, intense and full of surprises.
So, what better way to jump-in than to look at some energetic themes for the coming year?
Some folks like to look at fashion trends, we like to watch for frequencies. Consider this list from the perspective of how you might have reacted in the past, compared to the new way you can choose...
When you’re over-thinking, you’re under-feeling.
Which might be a sign that you’re actually really sensitive and just trying to keep yourself safe from overwhelm.
Being a deep feeler in this world can be a tough ride, and our culture’s hyper focus on always-on productivity amplifies the struggle.
This time of year can be particularly challenging when our true nature aligns more closely with the quiet darkness of the late fall, yet we’re constantly overstimulated...
When we seek inner balance, we are intentionally tuning-in to the natural Cosmic Order of things.
All the magic of life demands this constant re-balancing — its essence reflected in the birth-death-rebirth of our seasons, the ever-present waning / waxing of our Moon, and the many other cycles we live with every day.
The Solstice is one of those milestones. In this hemisphere its approach signals an expanding darkness, a deep exhale and time of profound stillness before the re-emergence...
Standing on the precipice of our future — the beginnings of a series of new cycles for humanity, it’s helpful to pause and take stock of awarenesses we’ve gained along the way. With so many lessons learned over the past few years, we’ve come to recognize how interconnected we all are, with a deeper understanding of how our thoughts, actions, and energy contribute to global outcomes. And how living in alignment with our true self (rather than conforming to external...
Opening the door to magic.
For the overachiever, joy can feel like something you have to earn after you’ve checked all the boxes and overdelivered on every task. It’s easy to fall into the trap of striving to be deserving, thinking that joy is what you get when all the jobs are done, everything is “perfect” and everyone else is taken care of.
But joy isn’t a reward. Or even a life goal.
Unconditional joy is a frequency.
It’s ever abundant, always available,...
When Too Much of a Good Thing Leads to Diminishing Joy-Returns
Part 1 of 2
For many of us, the pursuit of happiness can feel like a race with no finish line. We chase after goals, push ourselves to be perfect, and bend over backwards to please others, only to find that joy remains just out of reach.
Excelling at what you do or always seeking to be kind are good things. But these inner saboteurs — over-achieving, perfectionism, people-pleasing — keep us from deeply experiencing...
In last month’s InnerWisdom Circle, Joy Caffrey guided us through some beautiful exercises to address our Inner Saboteurs and increase the capacities of our Inner Sage [link to the free assessment we used below].
The Controller, one of nine common Saboteurs we all entertain, is characterized by high anxiety, and impatience or alarm when situations go sideways. It may have served us well when we were young, caught in chaotic circumstances where we felt hurt or rejected. But as...
Self-doubt is sneaky.
It can show-up disguised as second-guessing important life decisions, the fear of disappointing someone we care about, undervaluing our creative contributions in the world, or simply thinking everyone else has it all figured out (but us).
In response we hesitate, avoid, overanalyze or hide our uniqueness in ways that make it hard to be entirely genuine in our relationships or feel truly fulfilled in our own life.
None of this is helpful.
But, doubt is also baked...
Self-love gets a bad rap.
Mostly because the word love gets so overused. Particularly in contexts where it means so many things that have so little to do with the conscious, unconditional acceptance that self-love is all about.
For those of us with a tendency to over-give to others while taking only crumbs in return (see our May newsletter on self-worth), understanding, embracing and practicing self-love can be transformative. It increases confidence to pursue passions without fear of...
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