Uplevelling Your Frequency

ten trends Jan 25, 2025

Ten Trends for 2025

This year is going to be alot.

Even for those of us used to navigating deep personal transformation, 2025 promises to be fast, furious, intense and full of surprises.

So, what better way to jump-in than to look at some energetic themes for the coming year?

Some folks like to look at fashion trends, we like to watch for frequencies. Consider this list from the perspective of how you might have reacted in the past, compared to the new way you can choose to respond going forward. The old story you're releasing vs the new story you're sharing... 

Triggers   Glimmers  
Self-sacrifice   Self-respect  
Perfectionism   Presence  
Victim of Circumstance   Agent of Change  
Feeling Wobbly   Diving-in Deep  
Hiding-out   Courage to Commit  
Avoiding Your Shadow   Shining Your Light  
External Expectations   Authentic Alignment  
No Pain No Gain   Graceful Co-creation  
Isolation   Connection  

#3 is something we talked about in Astro-Circle last week. As our collective evolutionary focus shifts to invite a fresh perspective on perfectionism vs presence: How can the practical serve the spiritual in everyday ways?

Letting go of the Inner Critic and calling on our courage to help us trust our intuition, even starting with the small stuff, is a bold beginning.

Here are some other ideas that support embodying spirit in your life this year:

  • Notice ~ simply paying attention can yield a wealth of awareness, so get curious about the subtle signs, symbols, sensations and patterns that show up for you
  • Nurture ~ intentionally seek experiences that amplify your energy body rather than numbing it, including finding stillness, meditating, Eden Energy exercises, journeying, deep breathing, strengthening your auric field, ecstatic dance, Chakra work, etc.
  • Practice ~ it's a repetitive thing we do but also an attitude we bring to the doing, whether it's breath-work, Yoga, walks in the woods or slowly savouring a warm drink, it's all about being in the moment we're in
  • Play ~ remember to stay in a state of grounded light-heartedness as you explore and discover your changing relationship to the energies within and around you

Combining creativity with connection is a magic recipe for inspiration. And with the turbulence of major change hitting a high note this year, we'll want to call on our creative imagination for some fresh ideas and innovative approaches to our old stories.


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