Surrender to the Dreaming

conscious dreaming Nov 04, 2023

So much has already happened. Yet so much more change is coming.

We're in the midst of a transformational marathon. Whew! Things often seem upside down, the ground beneath our feet suspiciously shifty. When very little around us makes sense, it can be really hard to find clarity, and even harder to know what to do next. The discomfort of this turbulent time can make us feel lethargic, anxious, overwhelmed. And our various distractions can become more tempting than ever.

But in the same way that real intention-setting isn't just wishful hoping, using Conscious Dreaming as a way to manage chaos doesn't mean getting lost in illusion or fantasy either. Conscious Dreaming is a precursor to setting clear intentions, and plays a central part in our role as co-creators. 

Practicing this type of Dreaming isn't hard, but there is a bit of a trick to it that's good to know up front: it starts with purposefully not taking action, even when you think you know the answer. This can feel counterintuitive at first. Particularly in a culture that values productivity, our first reaction to a challenge tends to be to step up, wondering what we can do, how we might help. Even seeking clarity and setting intention is a type of action

Instead, Conscious Dreaming invites us to...

  • Let go of thinking, planning, and strategizing
  • Soften, open, and connect with what is present

With Conscious Dreaming there is nothing to do and everything to allow...

  • Sit or lie on the earth to encourage grounding
  • Use an extended exhale to reduce anxiousness
  • Hand on belly or heart to offer comfort
  • Self soothe with reminders that you are ok in this moment
  • Practice patience with your process - slow down
  • Blur the edges of where you end and the universe begins
  • Gently move deeper within yourself
  • Foster an attitude of easy curiosity 
  • Notice what emerges without attachment
  • Trust in your own knowing

You may like to use this practice first thing in the morning before becoming fully awake or last thing at night before falling fully asleep. You may wish to write down questions in advance and then journal whatever awarenesses arise. Over time you will find your own way with this form of Dreaming. May it serve you well as you navigate your liminal space in this time of transformation.


Finding our way into the mystery of that deepest part of ourselves, the part often shielded by defensive coping strategies, can be a tricky business. Our fears can make us feel stuck in patterns we know don't serve us and yet, are really hard to shift without support.

Energy Practitioner / Coach Sharon Black offered us a simple yet effective tool for wrestling with those fears in a way that opens new doors of opportunity and helps us set clear intentions and take inspired action. During Reflection Circle we went even deeper into our 'bigger' fears as Sharon guided us through a simple yet potent What If... exercise following a rich, guided breath journey.

Sample a gorgeous guided breath journey with the gifted Sharon Black here.


A powerful combination of Soul-based Astrology & Energy Rebalancing designed to support your blossoming in alignment with your soul's design. Find crystal clarity. Navigate next steps with confidence. Expand into joy. Live life in alignment with the part of you that always knows. Get details on sessions here.


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