Your Personal Moon Dance

A self-paced guide to gracefully navigating Moon energies in your Birth Chart 

Opening to the Magic of Your Moon Dance

La Luna
. She rules over our inner tides — blood, fluids, emotional flow. She presides over our nurturing, caretaking and capacity to heal. Like the Moon in the sky your Inner Moon is reflective, relational and ever-changing, a source of inspiration and illumination for you. Throughout her small and grand cycles the sky Moon glides through the astrological signs in constant motion, at once picking up the autumn vibes of Libra or Scorpio, then just as quickly setting them down again to move toward Sagittarius, and beyond.

Like all of us, there is part of her that remains hidden from view. The dark side of the Moon symbolizes that deeply personal aspect of our subconscious that often drives our desires but is rarely seen. This is the complex, irrational and unique part of you that rides in on the waves of the Moon’s innate changeability and can harness her energies to alchemize even the most difficult situation into deeper self awareness.

Because she is our closest celestial object, we feel the Moon’s shifting moods intimately. She calls us nightly into an ever-deepening partnership with her, and with our own intuitive knowing.

The natural flow of the Moon's energy not only informs your day-to-day feelings and responses, but helps you harness the prevailing frequencies so you can intend your future forward in the most powerful possible ways.

 Your Self-Paced Moon Dance


In your Moon Dance guide:

You'll discover...

  • Who your Inner Moon really is and how best to relate to her
  • An easy way to access and read your birth chart
  • Where each New and Full Moon impacts your life most
  • How to set crystal clear intentions for graceful manifestation
  • The basics of astrological symbols
  • How to read the magic of each Moon cycle for yourself

You'll receive...

  • Easy-to-follow video guide
  • Instructional slides PDF
  • Beautifully designed E-book
  • Quick reference tables for Signs, Houses & Planets
  • Step-by-step intention-setting guide

Forever access to your resources in your online library.

Susan C

Astrology is layered and nuanced.  Valanne has a gift for clearly explaining the intricacies of astrology in a fun and engaging way.  Her warm smile and open heart creates a welcoming atmosphere for learning this ancient language.  

Susan C
Owner, Lumerie Studio

 Combined Wisdom

Finding your centre so you can make meaningful choices that serve your intentions isn't always easy.

High tech solutions like meditation apps work for some, and for others low tech solutions like taking a minute to pause and exhale is their go-to. We use both visualization and breath-work in Circle, but our hands-down favourite working tool is Astrology.

Combining this ancient technology with the energy of your personal intention-setting is a powerful way to access universal guidance in service of your inner wisdom.

Following the prevailing energies of the Moon cycle, folks often see what they already knew to be true for them. Having your inner awareness reflected back to you by the cosmos is such a profound experience — a real validation of your own knowing.

There's something undeniably magical about gathering to explore the energies of the Moon with a like-hearted community of seekers.

Join our monthly Astro Circle live online for free, access all the free extras in our Circle library, and deepen your exploration of Moon energy with a copy of Your Personal Moon Dance.

Start Dancing


Your Personal Moon Dance

Only $35 CAD

Deepen your personal Moon Dance with this gorgeous guide.

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Your Teachers


Sasha Korper

Sasha Korper 

Valanne and I founded Tools for Transformation to support sensitive seekers to let go of self-doubt, more fully open to their inner knowing and consciously reconnect to their self-trust.

In my professional practice I use energy rebalancing techniques alongside intuitive guidance to help you clear the conscious and subconscious blocking beliefs keeping you small, separate from your deeper desires and big intentions. 

You are most welcome to join us in Circle to experience energy clearing and rebalancing in our open-hearted group.

Valanne Ridgeway

Valanne Ridgeway

I am a certified astrologer (CAAE) who is passionate about sharing the magic of this amazing, insightful and practical symbolic language with you.

Prior to becoming a practising astrologer, I regularly looked to the wisdom of this ancient art to guide my own life journey.  As my astrological practice deepened, so did my desire to delve into the true magic and wonder of this ancient language.

It is my honour and joy to share it with you in this way.


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