Guidance & practices reconnecting you with your deepest knowing.

You have a rich inner resource circle.


And yet, you often second guess yourself, struggling to make choices that honour your deeper needs in real ways.

We get how being a sensitive, caring, thoughtful person can quickly evolve into people-pleasing. 

And how constantly trying to keep the peace or fit in can lead to self-doubt.

Over time, all those accommodations move us further and further away from who we really are.

It becomes harder and harder to access those inner resources or hear that wise voice inside. It becomes easier and easier to forget that everything we need is already inside us. 

We all need tools to help us access that inner wisdom with greater ease.


But we’re taught that someone else's knowledge is more valid than our own inner knowing. So, we spend a lot of time looking outside ourselves for what's true.

When that inner connection is rekindled, we see more of what's possible and feel empowered to co-create deeply fulfilling experiences.

InnerWisdom Circle is all about restoring that relationship between you and your deepest knowing.

Access what you need to...

  • Hear your inner voice more clearly
  • Speak your truth more consistently
  • Set clear intentions that truly support you
  • Feel lighthearted meeting your own needs
  • Follow-through in ways that feel fun
  • Get confident in your decision-making
  • Fully embrace your uniqueness
  • Find clarity & peace within

Our talented Teaching Circle facilitators offer simple yet powerful practices live online in a soul-centred container. The follow-up Reflection Circles provide sweet opportunities for guidance, practice and integration within our supportive community.

Access all the tools and practices at your own pace through the InnerWisdom Library. Embrace the gentle evolution and rich reconnection InnerWisdom Circle offers. 


    •   Teaching & Reflection Circles live online
    •    Access to a rich library of practices, journeys, e-books, handouts & more
    •    Channelled Guidance monthly
    •    Special discounts, gifts & offers
•    InnerWisdom Fundamentals Toolkit
    •    All session recordings & presentations
•    A welcoming open-hearted community

Empowering support on your transformational journey

Participating in your circles is one of the smartest things I’ve ever done…for myself, my confidence, my mental health and for my family. Being with everyone is like being blanketed with love and acceptance. Everything about your program is awe inspiring. I really feel like I am totally meant to be a part of this amazing world. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Cathy Parisi
Mayson Method Practitioner, ON Canada

Inner Wisdom Circle has helped me more than any other resource in my healing journey.  Sasha and Val are absolutely amazing, as are all of the guest speakers and the organization and ease of the resources and recordings are what set this group apart from all other groups!

D'Ann Verkamp

Arkansas, USA


Lori Wilson

An MSW and founder of Inner Access 101, Lori has been offering channeling, intuition training and traditional counselling since 1983, and consciously channeling Grandmother, her ancient Shoshone spirit guide, since 1989. Through Inner Access 101, Lori provides training and guidance to thousands of students around the world.


Your Brilliant Inner Child

Using your intuition to access and support the child within

Jenny Kellogg & David Leskowitz

An Astrologer and Trauma-Informed Coach, Jenny brings clear communication, compassion and humour to her work, helping you transform old wounds into gifts of awareness. David, also an Astrologer, runs The Centaur Space and offers counselling and energetic techniques for insight and healing.


Introducing the Centaurs

Connect with their skillful guidance for intention-setting & healing 

Jonathan Varkul

Jonathan's coaching practice is focused on helping clients find a way to address complex challenges without losing connection with themselves and those around them – ultimately ensuring that their success is an expression of the best version of themselves. 


Mining Gold from the Struggle

Practices for moving beyond comfort into bliss

Joy Caffrey

An energy practitioner / workshop leader for almost 30 years, Joy skillfully moves you into your own brilliance with humour and intuitive insight, while her compassionate presence lends a natural grace to her organic healing style. Joy is dedicated to supporting the spiritual uplevelling you crave in your life.


Anne Finlay

A registered Psychotherapist, trained Mindfulness practitioner and champion of self-healing, Anne's perspective is guided by her exploration of embodiment and the well being that results in listening deeply to your body’s communication. She will bring awareness to the potency of Tantric philosophy and share practices designed to awaken us to the universal energies innate within us. 


Alison Clarke

A dedicated healer and Reiki practitioner / teacher for over 25 years, Alison’s extraordinary talent for intuitive exploration has lead her to develop her own unique approach in her practice. Using a beautiful blend of energy work, sound healing and guided visualization, Alison guides you to connect deeply with yourself, bringing greater awareness to your own inner wisdom and capacity to align with your body’s innate healing process.


Dancing with the Unknowing

Gaining grace and spaciousness in times of uncertainty

Nathalie Jackson

A certified ShadowWork® facilitator, Nathalie Jackson is the founder of the Woman Unveiled School of Women’s Mysteries, guiding you to identify your blocks, rise above your fears, and rediscover the truest version of you. She’ll take you on a journey of discovery to explore the Shadow side of your inner child, learn what you need at the deepest level, and how to access inner resources to feel more fully supported on your evolutionary path.


Delia Beadle

A Shamanic Shadow Guide, Sacred Circle Facilitator and Dream Tender, Delia provides a container of unconditional love, support, and safety as your soul endeavours to embody its own wisdom and come into its self-actualization and power. Delia helps you navigate your suffering, remove the negative debris that holds you back from receiving your joyous body, mind, and heart, so you can once again become a keeper of the sacred medicine you carry within.


Karen Mayson

A certified Energy Medicine practitioner for over 30 years, instructor and creator of the Mayson Method, Karen’s open-hearted, intuitive insight and vast professional wisdom supports you to navigate your life’s path with joy as you gently dissolve blocks to your vibrant health and personal transformation.



Sahar Younes

A certified Reiki Master & Teacher, Sahar is a gifted intuitive healer highly sensitive to her clients’ energy field. From within her professional sessions she helps create an abiding sense of inner calm, offering you the clarity you need to set potent intentions based on your soul’s purpose. “Anytime you are stilled and quiet and centred is a healing time.” 

Self Reiki with Intention

Using your practice to inspire action 

Sue Meertens

A certified Eden Energy Practitioner, EEM Trainer, and Healing Touch Practitioner, Sue is passionate about supporting you to tap into your innate ability to balance your own energy and return to vibrant health.

Eden Energy Medicine Goodness

Practices for grounding and pain reduction

Candice Rasa

A licensed Social Worker and Integrated Energy therapist, Candice utilizes holistic perspectives to focus on mental, emotional and spiritual healing within a personal framework, and with an awareness of ancestral karma. She feels honoured to support others in alchemizing painful experiences into sacred ones, engaging the magic and healing of the Akashic Record from a Buddhist perspective. Candice will share tips for opening to divine connection and accessing higher wisdom, and offer Akashic Channelling to answer questions.

Your Akashic Record

Learn to hear divine inner guidance

Sarah Brimson

Certified nutrition expert, Yoga teacher and Yoga Nidra specialist Sarah Brimson is focused on supporting you on your journey to greater self-love through a self-care regimen that includes mindful movement and conscious nutrition. Bringing her natural gift for embodied living into her practices, she shares easy approaches to restoring the autonomic nervous system, shifting brainwaves for better intuitive alignment and bringing heart and brain into greater coherence for overall wellness, energy and clarity.

Yoga Nidra

A deeply restorative practice for rest & reconnection

Jane Sloan

As a professional astrologer, nutritionist and intuitive, Jane’s natural focus is with the emotional / psychological body and its connection to our physical health and wellness.  She uses magic and ritual to bring strength where there is weakness, balance where there is excess and movement where there is stagnation.  Even without astrological training, anyone can utilize daily magical practices to foster healthy relationships with our cosmos. 

Astrological Magic in Daily Practice

Using simple ritual to deepen our interconnectedness with all things

Nicole St.Pierre

Nicole is a former social worker and educator, now therapist-in-training supporting anxiety recovery through trauma-informed somatic practices and parts work. She'll offer ways to capture moments of awareness through triggers and glimmers from the perspective of Polyvagal Theory and an understanding of our autonomic ladder or nervous system.

A Polyvagal Approach

Nurturing self-trust with somatic practice

Krystal Charlotte

A Trauma-informed Breathwork Practitioner and founder of Journey into Breath, Krystal has a deep love of supporting others to return to the wisdom of their bodies, tune into their hearts and consciously integrate their emotions in a space and expansive space. She believes that through Breathwork we have the power to become our own greatest healers and remember who we truly are.

Conscious Connected Breathwork

Restore your body / mind / spirit conversation

Rachelle Lamb

Rachelle is a recognized speaker, writer, Nonviolent Communication℠ trainer and relationship coach. She brings an earthy, practical and innovative wisdom to her work from cultural anthropology, psychology, storytelling and ecology. She believes our most important work is to create the conditions for deepening our humanity, especially in this critical time.

Coming Home to Yourself

Using non-violent communication for deeper connection


A tarot card reading is a conversation with your soul. I’m the interpreter. I’ve been reading tarot cards for over 30 years, helping clients around the world discover their purpose and reach their potential, while facing challenges with clarity and courage. My motto is “Woo Woo Without the Cuckoo” and my mission is to enlighten, inspire & empower with tarot.

Tarot Magic & Ritual

Getting 'witchy' with your energy

 Your Supportive Community 

Remember who you really are...


Stepping into this circle is an invitation for you to follow your own unique path in the company of like-hearted souls. We are all on a journey to connect more deeply to our own inner wisdom so we can walk that out in our everyday lives. Gathering in community at your own pace of grace eases the challenges we all experience in the face of change. As we explore new energetic territory together, we all gain self-awareness, self-acceptance, and self-trust.

It takes courage to walk this path.

Which is why we offer a sacred space for your process. You are fully supported as you explore timeless tools in new ways, reawaken to your innate knowing and practice navigating your inner world with grace and ease. 

See you on the inside,

Val & Sasha

Our Journey

Sasha Korper 

The term ‘seeker’ has always resonated with my innate burning curiosity and constant need to know. As an only child of a twice-divorced, business-minded Mom, my formative years were marked by chaos: flying alone to visit Dad at age six; months of world travel at age eight; nine different schools by high school. Rootless and surrounded by various extended family and friends, people-pleasing became second nature. Figuring out what the nearest adult needed and then finding ways to provide it was a nifty survival tool. It worked a charm. 

Until at 25 I found myself with a beautiful baby, married to a nice man from a good family... and utterly miserable. Where had I gone wrong? What was wrong with me that I couldn’t be happy in this dream life? That year I sat across from an Astrologer and had my first ‘Aha’ moment as she re-introduced me to myself in my Natal Chart. There would be many more moments of awakening along my path of self-discovery: decades of sitting in circle, doing guided visualizations, going out on ceremony, practicing Yoga, and studying the cycles of the Moon.

Like so many before me, I ultimately recognised the journey within is the greatest adventure of all. The process isn’t always graceful: self-actualization can be a messy business for sure. Learning to use powerful tools to set clear intentions with awareness has been key to emerging from the chaos and realising my richest, most meaningful life. Looking in the rear-view mirror, I’ve been a teacher for over half that time. But even as my sixth decade approaches, I remain a perpetual student of this precious life. And so it is I invite you to join me on this great explore – courageously seeking and empowering your own inner voice as it guides you to your profoundly inspiring life full of possibility.

Valanne Ridgeway

I have been on a journey of self-discovery most of my life. At an early age I began exploring a wide variety of disciplines contributing to my understanding of consciousness and the role it plays in the life we create. I lived a life full of adventures and rewards, while being presented with recurring challenges based in long-held negative patterns of belief about myself I felt utterly powerless to change.

For years, juggling the demands of running a business and maintaining a family, I lived with the awareness that I wasn’t fully aligned to my purpose.  And then I was stopped in my tracks by a health crisis. Forced into an unfamiliar pause to get well again, I dropped deeply into myself. As is often the case, alongside these difficulties came opportunities for a major shift in perspective, the most significant being the practice of conscious intention-setting. And then everything fell into place.

I began manifesting a path more aligned to who I am on a fundamental level. I expanded my self-awareness by diving back into my astrological studies, a passion that had taken a backseat to my role as mother and business owner. As this new way of being in the world took shape, my co-creative power surfaced with greater clarity, and I began to trust my ability to manifest a life of joy for myself. I can truly say my life was transformed!

Over the years I noticed my old beliefs and perceptions echoed in many women around me. I quickly realized I could be a catalyst for change, sharing the same timeless tools that support my life so fully. And so, I invite you to discover these simple yet potent ways in which you can truly become the agent of your own meaningful, purposeful, passionate life

 Registration Bonuses

Grandmother's Yearly Focus 2025

One of our favourite sources of wisdom from an ancient Shoshone Elder: Lori Wilson's Spirit Guide, Grandmother looks ahead into time and space and shares the overall energetic theme for the year ahead: The Year Your Child Within Can Grow. Use her guidance for overall orientation, inspiration and energy focus as you navigate your year with greater ease. Includes a 2-hour video recording.

Guided Self-Reiki Chakra Balancing (audio)

with Sahar Younes, Reiki Master & Teacher

Achieve relaxed focus, feeling both calm and alert after only one round of this graceful practice.

“Anytime you are stilled and quiet and centred is a healing time.” Sahar

Step into the circle of your InnerWisdom. 

Open to receive insights, guidance and practical tools on your journey back to your own knowing.


$32 CDN /month
Monthy Payment


$350 CDN/Annual
Annual Payment

Join risk-free with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Cancel your subscription anytime. 

Questions? Concerns? Email us:  [email protected]

Terms of Service

About Us

Val & Sasha

What happens when a Channelling Astrologer teams up with an Energy Healer to bring you gifted guest presenters every month? You gain some amazing insights, plenty of laughs and a whole lot of magic! This is the alchemy of friendship focused on creating conscious community to companion you on your journey through self-awareness into greater fulfillment and joy. How blessed are we to have access to these powerful practices during this time of evolutionary change in our world? We are forever grateful for the love we receive from all our guides, seen and unseen.


 FREE InnerWisdom Fundamentals Toolkit

A beautiful collection of simple yet powerful ways to regain your inner equilibrium and reconnect to the innate wisdom within. Get your Connection Type Quiz, Release Ritual, audio guides & Inner Knowing e-book now.