Practical magic for personal growth


We’re an Astrologer and Energy Practitioner supporting you on your path to self-trust.

It's our passion to serve smart sensitive women ready to take their unique work in the world to the next level, but struggling with people-pleasing or perfectionism.

We help you let go of second guessing and reclaim access to your inner wisdom to gain clarity in direction, confidence in decision-making, and deeper, more meaningful connections in all your relationships.

 FREE InnerWisdom Fundamentals Toolkit

Three beautiful, simple, powerful ways to regain your inner equilibrium and reconnect to the innate wisdom within. Get your Connection Type Quiz, Release Ritual, audio guides & Inner Knowing e-book now. Preview it here.

Your privacy is sacred. We never ever share.

Maybe you’re here because you…


  • Regularly second guess yourself

  • Say yes when you want to say no

  • Look more ‘together’ than you actually feel

  • Struggle to find quality “you” time

  • Resist speaking your truth outloud

  • Have a persistent inner critic

  • Sometimes feel empty despite your full life

  • Sense there’s "more" but can't quite get there

As a creative, thoughtful, sensitive person it's easy to feel like an outsider for wanting more, asking deep questions or having big feelings in a world that values the material over the mystical. No one wants to feel rejected. So we try to fit-in by people-pleasing or striving for perfection. But fitting-in betrays our deeper truth and gives rise to self-doubt. The more we squeeze ourselves into an inauthentic mold, the faster we forget how to listen for our own inner wisdom.

Remembering how to listen deeply allows you to fully receive the part of you that always knows. Because everything you need is already inside you. Deep listening dispels second guessing, stops self-betrayal, and reconnects you to your own soul’s wisdom.

Try our free InnerWisdom Fundamentals Toolkit to get a taste of our InnerWisdom vibe.

Check-out the Free Toolkit...

When we can hear our authentic inner voice more clearly, we problem-solve more effectively and make confident decisions more easily, taking actions that feel inspired and are better aligned with our intentions. 

But even with all the best tools at our fingertips, it often isn’t possible to make that journey back to inner clarity and self-trust on our own. After decades of personal development work, we’re convinced enlightenment is a team sport.

Which is why, to navigate these turbulent times of change with ease, we like to reach beyond our everyday mentors to consult universal energy and get some planetary guidance.

In our signature Astro-Clearing sessionswe combine astrological insights with energy reconnection to effect deep, lasting change at the quantum level.

Astro-Clearing quickly brings you back into alignment with the highest version of what you are becoming without physical intervention or long sessions of talk-therapy.

Intrigued? Join us for our free monthly Astro-Clearing Circles to share or watch our energy rebalancing process.

Check-out our Free Astro-Clearing Circles...

 FREE InnerWisdom Fundamentals Toolkit

Three beautiful, simple, powerful ways to regain your inner equilibrium and reconnect to the innate wisdom within. Get your Connection Type Quiz, Release Ritual, audio guides & Inner Knowing e-book now. Preview it here.

Your privacy is sacred. We never ever share.

InnerWisdom Circle Membership

Our signature membership, IWC offers a safe space held with compassion as you move into greater harmony with your own knowingness. With each circle experience, let go of the idea that we must betray our deeper nature to fit in, and instead move ever closer to your own deeper wisdom, and a real sense of true belonging.

In Circle you…


  • Let go of people-pleasing: reconnect with your innate magnificence
  • Practice setting clear energetic boundaries
  • Become intimately familiar with your deeper needs and how to meet them
  • Trade external validation for genuine self-acceptance
  • Revitalize your unique creative voice
  • Build confidence: practice what you need to feel secure
  • Tend to the health and wellness of your inner landscape
  • Surround yourself with like-hearted souls who see you
  • Feel welcomed and supported on your journey home to you
Our Circle vibe is down-to-earth and relationship-centred, intentionally crafted to bring a smile to your heart as you reconnect with your deepest knowing. 


Learn more about InnerWisdom Circle Membership

As an energy practitioner I love expanding my learning about different practices and new energy management tips and tools. Their programs and presenters are consistently awesome.

Sue Meertens
Eden Energy Trainer

I have learned so much from this circle and have loved how many different practices to which we were introduced - you pick and choose what works for you - it's such a supportive community and the growth I've experienced has been extraordinary - I look forward to it every month. It's been life changing.

Luba Lesychyn

What else do we offer?

Explore our signature Astro-Clearing group sessions, Conscious Affluence program, Chakra realignment course, annual dream-board building workshop, Astrology lessons, self-paced mini-courses, or try our free monthly Astro-Clearing Circles. We regularly provide live opportunities for learning as well as a gorgeous library of resources that includes video teachings, guided journeys, e-books, and more.

A little more About Us…

Hi. We're Valanne & Sasha.

We’ve been saving the world over pots of tea for almost two decades — as colleagues, as friends and now as business partners. 

Having travelled and worked and raised grown children, our world view is complex and evolving. Though we each see things from our unique perspective, we tend to agree on everything that counts:

We choose to see the world as made up of relatives rather than resources, one in which we play an integral part but are not at the centre. Championing local, sustainable, diverse, innovative and fair is important, as is building community that is welcoming and inclusive.

With everything we’ve all gone through over the past few years, offering open-hearted spaces of kinship that uplift and inspire has become a priority. Enlightenment has always been a team sport. Now more than ever we need each other and our circles of support.

We believe that despite the increased polarization and fragmentation in today’s society that highlights our differences, overall we have more in common that is significant and meaningful at a deep level.

We acknowledge it can be easy to focus on what you don’t want or what you’re not. Our orientation is to support your positive intentions and always highlight your innate capacities and strengths.

We believe everything is energy — that our emotions, perceptions and beliefs directly impact our reality, and that our innate gifts and skills for working with that energy far exceed anything we have yet to imagine. We believe in your inherent magnificence and that personal empowerment is your birthright.

Each of us is getting better at discerning what’s true and what’s not as we age, though, like everyone, we still struggle to hear our own inner truth sometimes.

Tools for TransformationInnerWisdom Circle are certainly a labour of love. They're also real-time reflections of the personal growth we’ve done for decades and will continue to do as we travel this road of self-discovery together with you.

FREE InnerWisdom Fundamentals Toolkit

Three beautiful, simple, powerful ways to regain your inner equilibrium and reconnect to the innate wisdom within. Get your Connection Type Quiz, Release Ritual, audio guides & Inner Knowing e-book now. Preview it here.

Your privacy is sacred. We never ever share.